You will find that the front portion of the ski will give you balance and control as you accelerate offthe wake into the pre-turn. The ION III settles into the groove early providing a platform for you toconfidently commit to each turn. With the additional time and space into the buoy, the IONIII automatically begins its rotation sooner and more aggressively to establish the greatest amount ofangle possible before you load the towline.With an earlier and quicker angle, you can stay fartherahead of the toughest passes.The quality of D3 skis is world renowned. D3 creates beautifully hand-crafted skis here in the USAthat will exceed our expectations and allow you to perform your best. We focus on every detail. Ourprocesses, done by true craftsmen, have an unmatched consistency and quality level - one that weare exceptionally proud to stand behind.
The ION III features:• Ski Profile - Traditional Ski Shape - best ridden in a balanced stance over the middle of theski. The ION series is slightly wider than the competition's traditional shaped skis.• Tunnel Concave - Shallowest of the D3 slalom line which promotes good cross-coursespeed.• Rocker Profile - Multiple Stage Rocker - Optimizes the sweet spot and balance crosscourse and into the pre-turn and maximizes ski rotation out of the turn.• Tail Shape - Widest tail in the D3 slalom line.• Bevels - Soft tail bevel allows the tail of the ski to move throughout the turn in perfectbalance with the tip.• All Levels - Designed for skiers of all levels and at the same time exceeds the expectationsof the most demanding skiers.• Accuset Fin Block - Accurate, three-point set screws for easy fin adjustments and laseraligned fin position.• Machined Screw Inserts - Accommodates D3, Reflex and most current binding holepatterns. All inserts are set in hard PVC anchor blocks for trouble free screw retention.• Sizes - 64", 65", 66", 67" & 68" in Tour Red.
Skier ability and line length may affect recommendation.